Aviso Legal

In compliance with the law 34/2002 of July 12th, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you of the following legal aspects:

Responsible Person: Antonio Macías Caballero

Legal name: www.iberianlands.com

TIN: 28950107F

Address: C/ Leganés, 27. 10900 Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), España


Phone: +0034 609 858 867

Email: info@iberianlands.com


The purpose of the web portal http://www.iberianlands.com is to provide the general public with information about the activities which this organization carries out and with information about the products and services it offers.

Any kind of use of its features implies the explicit and full acceptance of the hereby exposed conditions, without prejudice to any special provision which could be applied to some of the services offered through this web page.

www.iberianlands.com reserves the right to realize modifications and updates to the information included on this web page or to its configuration and presentation at any moment and without prior notice.

In order to keep the information published on the Web portal up to date, the content can be modified, corrected, eliminated or added at any time. Therefore it is advisable to verify the validity and accuracy with official sources.


All elements part of this site, as well as its structure, design, source code, logos, brands and other distinguishing marks which appear in it, are owned by www.iberianlands.com or its partners and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

In the same way, all images and other graphic elements of this site are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

www.iberianlands.com prohibits explicitly the conduct of “framing” or the use of any other mechanism by third parties which alter the design, original configuration or contents of the web page.

The use of the content has to respect its particular licensing. In this way, the use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or equivalent activity, shall be prohibited, unless prior and explicit authorization is given by www.iberianlands.com. Any reproduction of the text or content provided by the web, in whole or in part, will only be authorized if it complies with each and everyone of the following conditions:

The integrity of content, documents or graphics is being maintained
iberianlands.com is being cited explicitly as source and origin (…)
The purpose and aim of such use is compatible with the objectives of the web and/or the activities of iberianlands.com
There is no intention of commercial use, being explicitly prohibited its distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation
Any other uses has to be communicated and authorized by iberianlands.com previously and explicitly.

Concerning the citation of third party products and services, www.iberianlands.com recognizes the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights of its owners. At any case, neither its simple mentioning or appearance on the web, nor its support, sponsorship or recommendation does imply the existence of rights or the responsibility of them.

www.iberianlands.com respects the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; therefore, if you consider that our web could infringe your rights, we kindly ask to contact www.iberianlands.com.


www.iberianlands.com does not guarantee neither the absence of errors accessing the web or the content, nor that the web page is up to date, even though www.iberianlands.com will make a special effort to avoid, correct or update possible mistakes.

Both the access to the web of www.iberianlands.com, and the use of the information contained is of exclusive user´s responsibility.

www.iberianlands.com is not responsible for stored information and content, including but not limited to forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other media which allows third parties to publish content independently from the web-page www.iberianlands.com.

At the meantime and in compliance with the law 34/2002 of July 12th, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, www.iberianlands.com is at the disposal to any users, authorities and security forces, collaborating actively on the removal or blocking of those contents that can affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or moral standards and public order. In case the user considers that there is any content that could be susceptible to this classification, we kindly ask to contact www.iberianlands.com.

www.iberianlands.com is not responsible for the replies given via different email-addresses published on its page. Therefore, they can in no case result in any legally binding acts.


The links contained on our web-page might conduct to web-pages of third parties. The aim of those links is merely to facilitate the user´s search of resources which could be of interest. Nevertheless, neither do those pages belong to www.iberianlands.com, nor does www.iberianlands.com review its content. Therefore www.iberinalands.com does not take charge of content, information or services which could appear on those sites, which have exclusively informative character and do not imply any relationship between www.iberianlands.com and the persons or entities in charge of the content. www.iberianlands.com can not take charge of the functioning of the linked pages or possible damages which may result by its use.

Links to www.iberianlands.com have to meet the following conditions:

Establishing a link does not result in any agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation on behalf of iberianlands.com (…)
The web page where the Hyperlink is established does not contain information on content which might be unlawful, discriminatory, or contrary (…)
iberianlands.com can request the removal of the link without alleging any reasons. In that case, the page responsible for the link has to proceed immediately to its removal, as soon as he receives the notification of www.iberianlands.com.
Neither do we take charge in any way, nor do we guarantee the clarity, accuracy, ability, correction or morality of the content or services which the establishment of the Hyperlink might (…)
The user takes exclusive charge of the consequences, damages or action which may result by accessing the page of the Hyperlink.
The web page which establishes the Hyperlink can not contain brands, titles, trademarks, slogans or other distinguishing signs which belong to iberianlands.com, with the exception of those which (…)


The personal data requested for the provision of our services are included in files subjected to the Data Protection Law 15/1999 (LOPD) and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, 21st of December, approving the regulation for the development of the mentioned law (RLOPD) and the General Regulation on Data Protection of the European Union (EU 2016/679 GDPR).

The collection and treatment of the mentioned data is conducted by www.iberianlands.com and aims at the management, provision, extension and improvement of the requested services at any moment by the user, the monitoring of consultation, participation in recruitment processes, electronic communication and/or the elaboration of statistics.

The services provided by www.iberianlands.com addresses people older than 14 years. In the exceptional case of services directly addressing people under 14, www.iberianlands.com will request the approval of the parents or legal guardians for the collection of personal data, or, if applies, for the treatment of those data.

www.iberianlands.com commits itself to comply with its secrecy obligation regarding the submitted data of personal character and its duty to treat them with confidentiality and discretion, in accordance with current legislation. Therefore it will take all necessary steps to avoid alteration, loss or unauthorized treatment and access.


Current regulations on data protection cover a series of rights regarding the use we make of the data. Each and every right is an individual right and non-transferable, in other words, it can only be hold by the owner of the data, prior verification of its identity.

Hereunder we will indicate the applicable rights:

Request ACCESS to your personal data

Request CORRECTION of your data

Request REMOVAL or elimination of your data (right to be forgotten)

To LIMIT or OPPOSE the use we make of the data

The right of PORTABILITY of your data in case of telecommunications services or

The right to WITHDRAW your approval at any time

The right to present CLAIMS on data protection before the supervisory authority: Spanish Agency of Data Protection

How can you exercise your rights regarding your data?

To exercise your rights of access, correction, removal, limitation or opposition, portability and withdrawal of approval, please follow the following procedure:



Address: C/ Leganés, 27. 10900 Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), España


Phone: +0034 609 858 867

Email: info@iberianlands.es

Web page: http://www.iberianlands.com

How can you submit a claim?

In addition to the rights applicable, if you think your data is not being stored or treated in accordance with the current regulation of data protection, you can submit a claim to the supervisory authority, whose contact information we indicate hereunder:

Spanish Agency of Data Protection (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos)

Address: C/. Jorge Juan, 6. 28001, Madrid (Madrid), España

Email: info@agpd.es – Phone: +34 912663517

Web page: https://www.agpd.es


The applicable law in the event of dispute or conflict on the interpretation of the terms which constitute this legal notice, as well as any other issue related to the services of the present Portal, will be the Spanish law.

For the resolution of any conflict which could arise by visiting the web or by using the services offered in it, www.iberianlands.com and the user agree to be subject to the judges and courts of the user´s residence, as long as it is located in Spanish territory and he acts as consumer. Otherwise, the parties are subject to the judges and courts of the city of Cáceres, Spain.

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