This website is dedicated to the sale of Spanish Horses (also known as Andalusian Horses or PRE (Pura Raza Espanola) Horses and Lusitano Horses.
Iberianhorses aspires to be the main reference in the sale of high quality Spanish Horses – Andalusian Horses – PRE Horses and Lusitano Horses. Guided by professionals, breeders and private persons who can issue guarantees on the horses they offer on this website.
We aim to realize a transparent, serious and professional commercialization of Spanish and Lusitano horses.
Iberianhorses reserves its right of publishing or not publishing your horse, due to its quality and the graphic material the owner provides. The use of our online services and all the services previously mentioned – is free of charge.
Iberianhorses charges a commission of 10% of the sales price after the deal is closed and the horse is sold.
Kind regards.

We present your horse to our network of contacts
Semimonthly mailing to our new incorporations (We have a database of almost 4.000 clients at our disposal)
We operate commercial transactions to different countries.
We organize the essential veterinary examinations and analysis the client requires, as well as the transmission of the results to the veterinary of the client’s confidence.
Recommendation of nutrition, caretaking, handling and training by the former owner.
Sian Fernández Thomas
Sissel And Brujo